Gnomedex (Shopping update #1):

So Derek and I are down in Seattle for a few days. He is attending the Gnomedexconference, and I am going shopping (yay!) I need a few back-to school clothing pieces as I’m working five days a week this year — at least that’s my excuse. I love shopping “cross-border”. There is such a better selection in the USA. I also get to check-out some stores we don’t have in Canada.

L’Occitane has a new Hair Care line. Each product in the collection contains five essential oils designed to strengthen, repair, regenerate, and soften the hair: Angelica, Lavender, Geranium, Ylang-ylang and Patchouli. I’m thinking of buying the Aromachologie Discipline Mist ($20). I tried it out yesterday, and while it did not leave my hair smelling as good as I’d hoped, it did do a great job to re-invigorate my curls after the long drive from Vancouver to Lynwood, where I went shopping at Alderwood Mall.

Today we are going to head-up to one of my favourite Seattle neighbourhoods: Capitol Hill. Home of my first taste of Urban Outfitters, Capitol Hill (aka “Broadway”) is also the colourful gay district, and it has loads of great shops and restaurants.

To change the topic, have you seen the site YearbookYourself yet? You can take a picture of your face and morph it into a yearbook-style photo. The best part is that you can pick dates starting from 1950! The photo below is me, circa 1952. (Thanks to Mace for the idea.)

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